Dr Quine is a Professor and Chief Scientist at Forest Research in the United Kingdom. He has conducted applied research in temperate/boreal forest systems on topics such as wind risk, biodiversity, decision support, resilience, and ecosystem services.

Professor Chris Quine is Chief Scientist at Forest Research (FR), the UK’s leading organisation for tree-related research and is a member of FR’s executive team.
He has conducted applied research in temperate/boreal forest systems on topics such as wind risk, biodiversity, decision support, resilience and ecosystem services. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Exchanging knowledge: reflections on improving communication
Successful protection and sustainable management of forests in the light of the multiple challenges now faced will require strong linkage between science and practice.
Yet often there is perceived to be a gulf between knowledge and action. Drawing on recent studies, I will share some reflections on research communication, the importance of knowledge exchange and how interactions between researchers and practitioners might be improved.